About Me

Hi I’m Kirsten! I am an American photographer, mom of 3 and ex-expat on a mission to capture my adventures and musings on this blog.

In 2012 I moved to China with my husband after 2 years of long-distance. We spent over 4 years living as expats in Shanghai, China and Penang, Malaysia and traveled excessively because we could! In 2015 we moved back to America and lived in Tennessee for a year before moving home to Florida in 2016 to start our family. Living in Asia opened my eyes to a world of travel and adventure. I have visited over 17 countries and am hoping to eventually expose our kids to the wonder of travel as they get older. This blog has been my creative outlet for the last 10+ years and I hope you enjoy my musings on travel, motherhood and everything that comes with living a full life.

You can find a summary of my adventures and travel photography in the Travel section. In the Expat Life section, you will find my adventures, struggles, and triumphs as an American expat living in Asia. Check out my lifestyle photography business at www.kirstendaveyphotography.com


Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay. Traveling is all about getting lost so you can find yourself. I hope my stories make you laugh and inspire you to get out and see the world.

“Not all those who wander are lost” – JRR Tolkien


Disclaimer: All photographs on this website are mine unless stated otherwise.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I saw you post on Sushi and Sit ups that you live in St. Pete. Me too! Great blog. I look forward to reading more and checking out your adventures.

    1. St. Pete is awesome! Thanks for reading, I’m also excited to read about your money saving adventures! I work in finance and understand the importance of saving and paying off debts. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great post!

    I’m 57 and people are shocked when I tell them that. Up until a couple of years ago, I could walk on my hands; however, a shoulder injury (2 torn rotator cuff tendons and a ruptured bicep) while mountain climbing in Canada cured me of that. HAHA. I have rehabbed it and am still able to do handstand pushups, but walking on my hands is out . . . In the process of a round the world trip (next week). Take care . . . Steve

    1. Thank you! You should still be proud of handstand pushups. I can do handstands but not handstand pushups…. Best of luck on your travels! It sounds like a great adventure.

  3. Hi Kirsten,

    Just discovered your blog and all I want to say you have such an interesting profile. Can’t believe you’re a PT, I used to have my own PT but now seldom go to gym due to work constraints.

    I’m still struggling on reducing my weight (especially on the lower parts). I’m a petite person, so any small increase of inches can easily be spotted. Hope you can suggest best workout for this 🙂

    Oh by the way, I love travelling so much too! 🙂

    XOXO, Rynna

    1. Hey Rynna, I am so happy you found my blog! It is really nice to connect with another Malaysian blogger and travel fanatic. I look forward to catching up with your blog.

      Yes I am a PT and am familiar with the lower-body “fluff” that tends to come to stay. If you’d like I can create a quick and simple workout regimen focused on the lower-body for you to do at least twice a week. Starting small is better than not starting at all! You can email me at kirsten.chmiele@gmail.com if you are interested.

      Also check out my Work It Out page which has more advanced workouts but some good ideas for moves you can do. My beginner ski-workout has good descriptions of some great leg slimming moves (https://kirstencaptures.com/2012/02/03/chocolate-pumpkin-protein-bars-and-beginner-ski-workout/). Enjoy!


      P.S. I love a nice cup of coffee and looking to the sky too :-).

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